
Check Here for News

July 1, 2015

As we build this site we will begin bringing updates on the ministries and needs around the world. Pray for me as I transition in as director of Biblical Consulting Ministries.We need to continue our financial support of evangelists and pastors as well as those training and leading them. Pray for the evangelists in India as they face persecution and danger for sharing God’s word. Pray for the church in Cap Hatien in the north of Haiti as they train and strengthen local pastors to build up the believers in this city of almost 200,000. Thank God for John Wahogo’s daughter and others with her being released safely after being kidnapped during a training conference. There is much to tell and much to do. Pray for John as he uses his training to in turn train other pastors who cannot afford seminary for themselves.


Jonathan Westcott

Director of Biblical Consulting Ministries

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