
Happy New Year

Looking over the last year, It is amazing to think how far God has brought us. In many ways it has been a rough year, but His faithfulness carries us. The orphanage in India has been struggling through a drought. With all the wells in the region going dry they have had to bring in water by truck. In Haiti the hurricanes have caused death, destroyed property and roads, and left behind conditions that increase sickness and make life generally difficult. Despite these and other hardships, the messages from our brothers and sisters are filled with joy and hope in Christ. Their hard work and your support combine to accomplish so much. Thank you for your continued support as we work together to share God’s truth and create opportunities for education and growth for a whole new generation.

Bookkeeping, I must confess, is not my favorite pastime. That being said, preparing donation receipts was a privilege and a wonder. God has opened doors, sent new partners, and created opportunities I never imagined. We had the opportunity to help the Joseph Generation Project with the logistics of sending a medical team to Haiti, and they in turn helped support the training trip with Joe Mulroney and I. People have contacted us to send relief funds, knowing that we do not take heavy cuts for big offices or big salaries (to date there are still no offices and no salaries) and more chances to collaborate are on the horizon.

This is a mango Daniel Jean Baptiste gave me from his back yard while I was in Haiti this summer. He told me it was from the trees my father told him to plant. It was delicious, and with every bite I was reminded that I was enjoying fruit I did not tend from a tree I did not plant. There are so many who have begun this labor, it is thrilling (and a bit overwhelming) to join in the harvest. I thank God for His grace in allowing me to work with you this last year and pray for His guidance and wisdom as we continue to follow Him.

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