Daniel Jean Baptiste is a pastor / teacher who lives and works in Cap Haitien, a city in the north of Haiti with a population of almost 200,000. In 1992 he was translating for Robert Westcott as he worked and taught in the area, and they became fast friends, working together ever since.
Daniel works tirelessly in running an elementary and middle school as well as teaching university classes and pastoring the Berean Bible Church. When asked what he does with his free time, he just smiles. He is a man intensely focused on the people around him, on seeing their needs and helping in any way he can. God has given him a tremendous ministry and a tremendous amount of energy to keep up with it all.
The Berean Bible Church began in 2007 with five adults and seven children. Now the body has grown to have over 1,000 people attending its various services. The church building is now usable, though work continues. Earlier this year the floor was finished with help with a team from Woodland Park Baptist Church.
They were also able to purchase a new generator. This allows the believers to worship without distraction from the frequent interruptions in the local power supply. The building is filled with singing and the teaching of God’s word, but is also used as temporary shelter for families left homeless this last year in flooding and other local disasters.
The elementary school has 197 students and provides education free of charge to students who would otherwise be unable to attend any school. Providing basics like clothing and books for these eager students changes their world right now, and lays the foundation for them to change their world as they grow.

Pastors attending one of the training classes in May
Another very exciting development is the pastor training seminars that have begun just this year. For this first session in May, one hundred pastors and ministry leaders from the surrounding area were invited to take part in classes on Biblical leadership, shepherding, and church planting. These same pastors have been invited to come back again every six months for more training and tools to use as they work together to reach the people of the city, and a they continue to rebuild the nation.